Saturday, January 19, 2008

Inadvertent Experiment

In order to better understand our product lines, we routinely test samples. This morning I discovered that I performed one such product test without planning to: I left a partially filled SIGG bottle in the zub freezing car overnight.

Freezing your SIGG is one of the few no-nos listed in their use instructions, so we never thought to test it.

I am surprised to report that there was no damage to the bottle. The water I left was frozen solid. After I allowed it to thaw, I thoroughly examined the bottle in and out. I expected to find misshapen spots or a crack in the screw top. Seeing no effects, I filled the bottle with fresh water and took it to a hockey game. No leaks there, either.

So, while I don't recommend it, apparently freezing a little bit of water in your SIGG might not be too bad.

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